Thursday, July 30, 2009

What youth camp is about?

Some of you who are not so familiar with this term or have never been to such a camp might be wondering deep down in your hearts, what is it really about?

Does the 365 Youth Camp promise fun?
The camp can only be as fun as you want it to be =) I still remember attending my first ever camp back in 2005. There were all kind of weird games - bowling with coconuts, crawling through some maze with flour everywhere. But well, it was all fun =)

Does it promise good friendships?
Try spending 4 days 3 nights with a bunch of whacky people =) It really deepens your friendship, especially during the sharing times at night when we talk about what we hear from God and share our personal struggles. To know that there are other people being in the same situation as we are is so comforting, knowing that you're not alone. Strong bond of friendships are established when we share our hearts. So yea, guess it does promise good friendships. I can testify to that =)

And most importantly, does taking time away from a hectic schedule draw you closer to God?
Don't you get fed up, hearing news of all kinds of terrible things going on in the world everyday and in your own country? I guess taking time off from the "world" is a good thing. Camp is a time when you have less distractions and things to worry about; this gives a conducive environment for God to speak to you. It also gives you a better perspective of God and of His character.

So yea, to sum it up, I would say camp is pretty much about drawing near to God and to build better friendships with your friends. =)

Kar Kien

Monday, July 27, 2009


Are you ready ?? Are you excited ??
YOUTH CAMP 2009 is coming your way !!!

A grueling journey across states, moving to the hills far away from civilization.. finally away from the vast beach and sea. 4 days and 3 nights of FELLOWSHIP, GAMES and EXPERIENCING GOD. Be ready to expect the unexpected.
This year's camp is gonna be yet another A-W-E-S-O-M-E camp.

a great time of worship ?

camp gangster?

enough of sleep?


morning prayer?


captain able singing?

Pastor Richard in erm... interesting fashion?

more fun games?

lala boys?

a word in season for you?


Do you want to take part in another epic journey with NEW things ahead?

Camp is more than meets the eye.

See you at Camp 2009.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Here I Come

Hi! :D

Remember this?

What do you anticipate?

Finding out what you have always wondered about?

Strength in your prayer life?

Developing people skills?

Camwhoring? :P

Discovering your talent? ;)

Playing games and having fun?

Worshipping and praising God with all your might?

Winning prizes?



Can't wait.

Cae Me