Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Banquet Night"

There is an unmistakable scene on the second day of the 365 Youth Camp every year. On this day, one would find the campsite abuzz with activity and movement, as most campers would be unable to conceal their excitement for the event later in the evening. The bathrooms would be teeming with rushing and apprehensive campers, hurrying to put on their costumes and make-up. There would be pockets of laughter in the dormitories as campers compare their outfits with each other. The hallways would be full of unusually-dressed people.

Then, the call would be made, "We are beginning soon!" and campers would make their way to what is known as...."The Banquet Night", dressed according to the theme of the night.


This year, however, there are some new changes to the activities. Campers would not be divided according to games groups, but rather TRIBES, led by tribal chiefs. During what is known as "camp games", tribes will engage in tribal wars and challenges, earning points as they go along.

Thus, in place of the customary Banquet Night would be the "Tribal Night". It would be much like the Banquet Night, except that there will be no pairings or Banquet "couples", for everyone will come in their tribes. (More will be explained during the camp!)

Our theme for the Banquet Night this year is "Tribal & Traditional".

You can all come in outfits which are tribal or traditional in nature, such as the following:

Note: Campers must come fully-dressed and decently attired in their attempts to dress to theme.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments section of this post. We will do our best to reply to them there.

It's going to be a great camp!
