Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Camp Testimonies

-----David Teoh
I still remember those life-changing days in youth camp when I felt that everything in me was being put to the test (physically and spiritually). In the youth camp last year, I managed to widen my circle of friends, and in that short period of time I met friends who have been with me through thick and thin ever since. I believe it wasn't just the activities that left a lasting impact on me, rather it was the time spent with the One who created me. Looking back, I learnt many things and now I have a whole new perspective on the journey we call life..Today, that hunger for another great time in youth camp still burns within me..

Joyce Lim -----
Actually, truth be told, the first time I went to camp when I was 12, I really did not get much out of it. The only thing that gave a lasting impression was the thing I learnt during the dorm moments, which was that big sacrifices are needed to finish the race for God. Fortunately, in the camps that followed, despite the fact that I did not really expect much and was sceptical that I could even benefit from them, I still learnt a lot and God spoke to me through the experiences of the speakers and other people. Camp is really one the perfect opportunities to get closer to God and just meditate on His Word. It is a rare time that I can spend four full days just with Him. On other days I would be busy with a whole lot of other stuff, sometimes even finding time to praying is difficult. But in camp, there are no other distractions and after spending some time with God, I can really see the difference in my life. Talking to God and listening to His Word can really help me feel His presence and change the way I live. Seriously, to me, camp is nothing but beneficial because it brings me back to the presence of God. Um. Of course, camp is not just about serious stuff. It's fun and it's a great way to spend more time with church buddies. So, no matter how old you are and whether you know much about the Bible or anything, just come for camp and your life will be changed forever. =)

Paul Leong